Customer Testimonials
Quotation Marks
Unravel Logo
Herb & Mitch are veterans in enterprise tech sales. They helped us refine our sales strategy and methodology to scale with the stage of the company. Having them onboard was like finding a shortcut path to a successful distribution model. They continue to be my consigliere on all sales, marketing, and CEO matters.
Kunal Agarwal
CEO of Unravel
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Hazelcast Logo
We engaged AccelG2M to help us accelerate our go-to-market teams and processes. Their engagement was very targeted and we immediately implemented their recommendations across the organization. They also helped us recruit a top-notch executive to lead our services organization.

Greg Luck
CEO of Hazelcast
Quotation Marks
Platform9 Logo
AccelG2M worked with me to assess my sales, channel, and marketing operations and quickly provide a tactical plan on how to best improve these organizations. They helped attract, recruit, and hire top-notch sales leadership. We are now in a great position to accelerate our growth and capitalize on the industry momentum.
Sirish Raghuram
CEO of Platform9
Quotation Marks
CoreOS Logo
AccelG2M played a key role in the life of CoreOS. They were an important part of my team providing heavy lifting for all things sales, business development, strategy, and ultimately M&A.

Alex Polvi
CEO of CoreOS
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